Keeping up with the notion that the French like vacations, this past week my class, Anglo group A, had the Chef of Anglo group B as a teacher for the week. The differences in teaching styles were fascinating and really helped students in the class to realize that there are many ways to convey information and technical skills. The main focus of the week was learning to make Puff Pastry dough. On Monday and Tuesday we each made 5-7 separate batches of Puff Pastry dough, and used 2 of the styles of folding techniques on various batches. The differences were that we learned how to properly roll out and fold dough with butter inside, and vice versa. It was interesting how after the third time making the dough we all pretty much just started making the dough for memory. I think that is so important to be able to do. Puff pastry has SO many different applications, and this last week we just touched on a few. We made "cakes" which consisted of puff pastry and were filled with Frangipane, an almond filling. They were very good, and after making them realized they are pretty similar to a traditional King Cake of Mardi Gras. The other applications included making Chaussons, meaning slipper, which were individual bun sized puff pastries with various fillings and designs. The last application we made using puff pastry was the Mille Feuille, which I figured out after the description, is what many Americans refer to as a Napoleon. It is layers of puff pastry and pastry cream, with a liquid fondant and dark chocolate topping. It was very delicious, but quite sweet.
On Friday, our class got to set up a large table presentation of all of the various pastries we had all made from the entire week, and the other group, Anglo B, got to come view it, in addition to the colleagues of my teachers. The best part was when the teacher said "everyone, take as much as you want." Haha. I have never seen adults so eager to fill bags with pastries and boxes with tartes, then again, I haven't been in any situation where that was possible, and free.
The other group, Anglo B, took a Cuisine Catering class last week. That is what I will be taking this coming week. The teacher is very well versed in what he does, and it showed in their work. We went to view their setup, as they did ours, and they had made so many traditional French Cuisines I couldn't even imagine the amount of work that went into them. Everyone reading this will get to hear in depth about what the Cuisine entails, because I will be making it starting Monday. I'll update everyone Friday!
P.S. If you can, go to my Facebook page to view my latest photos from class. I just uploaded about 35 from this week.