Sunday, May 16, 2010

Not so baked

For the sake of remembering my time here in Paris, aside from school and tourism, this blog is dedicated to the "life experiences" I had while here. In the 3 1/2 months I have been here thus far, I have:
-Learned how to open a bank account in French
-Learned how to write a check in the European format
-Learned how to open a cell phone account in French
-Learned how to rent an apartment and put in a notice for relocation
-Been assaulted 5 times
-Been mugged 1 time
-Learned how to talk to doctors in broken French and English
-Learned that one only needs a passport to be admitted to the ER at 4 am
-Realized that the French definition of strong mustard is a big understatement
-Learned how to make chocolate chip cookies in Paris, aka making my own brown sugar and chopping chocolate because of the lack of chips sold in Paris
-Realized that the French actually use a system of price comparison throughout the cities for their baguettes and croissants/pain au chocolate
-How to "convert" everything from temperature, weight, and length, to money and verbs
This all being said, I must say, if all of this had not happened, especially in the course of 3 1/2 months, living alone and separated from all of my family and friends, I know I would not be at the level I am now, and I would not be able to consider myself the person I am today. Without coming to Paris and not only learning more about traditional baking and pastry techniques than I could have ever imagined, and going through this seemingly endless list of experiences that build my character, I would be so much closer to my...slightly naive and inexperienced 19 year old student self. Of course being 20, living in Paris, having the ability to enjoy a nice Cabernet and talk in broken French with friends, and realizing that my last 3 months of existence been a complete roller coaster, I am certainly not an experienced adult. I would never even consider trading my experiences, both good and bad, for anything. I suppose what this has all taught me in a retrospective sort of way, is that I cannot really ever think "it's done" when it comes to challenges and hurdles in my routine, but rather, I can be more prepared, and know how to avoid a whole list of already experienced challenges. Now, time for some milk off the shelf and a plate of Pim's...

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